How to Make Typographic Gift Wrap
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This year, I vowed to only make or buy handmade holiday gifts for my friends and family, and I’ve kept to it so far. But wrapping these gifts in commercial paper didn’t seem to make much sense, so I wanted to create some handmade gift wrap to match. I happen to think a gift wrapped in newsprint is actually quite attractive, and love the look of text on a package, but wanted to put in a little more effort. So I came up with a cool option that’s clean, masculine, and maintains the typographic look of the newsprint. Plus, it eliminates the need for any “to:/from” tags, as the recipient’s name is right there in tasteful type.
Once I figured it out, it was actually quite easy and quick – less than ten minutes per gift. The unbleached brown craft paper is only $1.25 per roll, and the book pages came from 25¢ war novel at the secondhand shop. To me, this beats the pants off of any mass-produced “Ho Ho Ho” paper in both price and style.
Here’s how to do it:
Materials and Tools
2. Wrap gift as normal, and note its size, measuring if you’re as detail-oriented (read: obsessive) as I am.

3. Choose the alphabet you’d like to use and download the templates at, or create your own in the typeface of your choice. Ours are fully scaleable PDFs, so print them out at the right type size to match your gift.

4a. Best scenario: Make some sort of easy tracing setup. I don’t have a light box, but I just use a clamp light under the plastic case for my turntable. A flash light and some glass or plexi from a picture frame will work, or even a window during daylight hours. Use the pencil to trace out the necessary letters onto the pages of the book.

4b. Okay scenario: If you can’t figure out a workable tracing solution, keep trying! It’ll save you tons of time! If you still can’t figure out a workable tracing solution, print the alphabet onto cardstock, and cut out each letter, and use them as a stencil to transfer the shapes onto your paper.

5. Then, just cut out the letters, and glue them onto the package with a glue stick. Be sure to cover all of the edges of the letter with glue, so they don’t curl. I went with right justifying the letters on the bottom, but experiment with what works best for each gift.

6. That’s it! Just repeat steps 4 and 5 for each of your packages. I found I only had to print out the template in two sizes for all of my gifts.
Happy Holidays!
This year, I vowed to only make or buy handmade holiday gifts for my friends and family, and I’ve kept to it so far. But wrapping these gifts in commercial paper didn’t seem to make much sense, so I wanted to create some handmade gift wrap to match. I happen to think a gift wrapped in newsprint is actually quite attractive, and love the look of text on a package, but wanted to put in a little more effort. So I came up with a cool option that’s clean, masculine, and maintains the typographic look of the newsprint. Plus, it eliminates the need for any “to:/from” tags, as the recipient’s name is right there in tasteful type.
Once I figured it out, it was actually quite easy and quick – less than ten minutes per gift. The unbleached brown craft paper is only $1.25 per roll, and the book pages came from 25¢ war novel at the secondhand shop. To me, this beats the pants off of any mass-produced “Ho Ho Ho” paper in both price and style.
Here’s how to do it:
Materials and Tools
- Brown craft paper or solid wrapping paper
- A used book
- Utility knife
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Alphabet templates, available in four typefaces at
- Tracing set-up, such as light source and clear glass or plastic (see below)
- Glue stick
2. Wrap gift as normal, and note its size, measuring if you’re as detail-oriented (read: obsessive) as I am.
3. Choose the alphabet you’d like to use and download the templates at, or create your own in the typeface of your choice. Ours are fully scaleable PDFs, so print them out at the right type size to match your gift.
4a. Best scenario: Make some sort of easy tracing setup. I don’t have a light box, but I just use a clamp light under the plastic case for my turntable. A flash light and some glass or plexi from a picture frame will work, or even a window during daylight hours. Use the pencil to trace out the necessary letters onto the pages of the book.
4b. Okay scenario: If you can’t figure out a workable tracing solution, keep trying! It’ll save you tons of time! If you still can’t figure out a workable tracing solution, print the alphabet onto cardstock, and cut out each letter, and use them as a stencil to transfer the shapes onto your paper.
5. Then, just cut out the letters, and glue them onto the package with a glue stick. Be sure to cover all of the edges of the letter with glue, so they don’t curl. I went with right justifying the letters on the bottom, but experiment with what works best for each gift.
6. That’s it! Just repeat steps 4 and 5 for each of your packages. I found I only had to print out the template in two sizes for all of my gifts.
Happy Holidays!
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25 Free Movie Fonts
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1. Back to the Future
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2. Indiana Jones
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3. Godfather
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4. Swordfish
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5. Lord of the Rings
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6. Blade Runner
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7. Terminator
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8. Dogma
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9. The Simpsons
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10. Transformers
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11. The Matrix
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12. Hitman
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13. Mission Impossible
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14. Aladdin
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15. Gremlins
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16. 007 GoldenEye
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17. Walt Disney
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18. Fight Club
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19. Ghostbusters
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20. Caribbean
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21. Batman Forever
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22. A Clockwork Orange
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23. Gothika
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24. X-Files
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25. Sin City
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List of Design Resources
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This year, we’ve added in some additional categories including typography and image sourcing sites to help you along your way. The list is at least 40% larger than last year and is the one stop shop for all that you could need in terms of inspiration, reference material or tools for you to use.
So, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen…. drum-roll please!

Graphic Design
1stwebdesigner Blog by Dainis Graveris in Latvia covering all things design and freelance.
2expertsdesign A blog filled with tips – whether it’s graphic design, logo design, web design, advertising, branding or typography. There’s something there for everyone!
456 Berea Street Blog from Roger Johansson containing articles and tutorials on web standards, accessibility and usability.
72dpi Graphic design inspiration. It’s weird, we love it..
A List Apart The famous site that’s a must read for all of those involved with building websites, including contributions from the wonderful Jeffrey Zeldman, Jason Santa Maria and Eric Mayer.
Abduzeedo Created by Fabio Sasso in Brazil and now one of the most popular design blogs. Includes tutorials, wallpapers, interviews and news. Strong participation from readers.
Adaptive Path Really interesting blog from the guys at Adaptive Path focussing on user interface and user experience design. They’re smart cookies.
Andy Budd As a regular on the speaker circuit and one of the founders of Clearleft, Andy writes about design issues, CSS, web standards, user centred design and information architecture.
Andy Sowards Eponymous blog covers cool links from around the world of web design, development and technology.
Anidan Design Dani McDaniel’s blog covering design and development for the web and WordPress. Dani also set up JustTweetIt with Adelle Charles at Fuel.
Arbenting From Angie Bowen and Robert Bowen, Arbenting covers design tips, tutorials, news and inspiration.
Bartelme Design This awesome little design agency share tips and advice on their blog as well as giving away wallpapers and other cool goodies.
BearSkinRug A blog by the illustrator and designer Kevin Cornell. The site contains design, art and a hell of a lot of lucklaster humour thrown in for good measure.
Beautiful Decay The online version of the Beautiful Decay magazine that features exclusive content including artist interviews, behind the scenes looks at other creative companies, artists studios and more from around the world.
Behance Magazine Great blog from the folks at the Behance Network. Wide range of articles for creatives in all sectors. Really high quality content.
Big Spaceship The blog belonging to the world famous design agency, Big Spaceship. Looking at user experience, consumer insights and emerging trends, a good read is always guaranteed.
BittBox Great blog from Jay Hilgert focusing on freebies for web designers and developers.
BoagWorld Popular podcast on web design, development and management.
Booooooom Blog from Jeff Hamada in Vancouver. Covers a wide range of creative arts.
Brendan Dawes Renowned for being the man to re-invent everythings, this guy’s creativity knows no bounds. A great site for inspiration and just to be wowed.
Brian Fling The mobile web design expert, Brian Fling, shares his insights on this wonderful blog.
Brian Yerkes One of the true “rock star” designers out there (our words not his). Great work and deep insights into the world of design and marketing.
Cats Who Code Is a blog run by Jean-Baptiste Jung, a blogger/web developer/web designer from Belgium. Cats Who Code covers web development, web design, blogging tips and WordPress. Jean-Baptiste also runs WpRecipes.
Clagnut Blog from Richard Rutter, the Production Director at Clearleft, where he discusses architecture, accessibility and design.
Colorburned Great blog from Grant Friedman covering many aspects of graphic and web design.
COLOURlovers A community where designers can create and share colours, palettes, patterns and discuss the latest trends.
Computer Arts Magazine One-stop shop for professional advice on creating digital art and illustrations.
Cool Vibe A digital art magazine showcasing science fiction, fantasy, illustrations, matte paintings, vector art, 3D renders and other amazing digital work.
Core77 The online design magazine and resource.
Coudal Partners The blog from the superstar design outfit based in Chicago. Always great features and strong opinions.
Craig Baldwin Cool blog from a student at the Winchester School of Art in England. Gathers a great list of the “best of” from across teh web.
CrazyLeaf Big design blog covering graphic design, web design, Flash, Photoshop, vector graphics, design inspiration, programming, print design, design resources and photography.
Creating Sexy Style Sheets The web designer and artist, Gina Bolton uses this blog to share her thoughts on web design along with presentations from various conferences that she has spoken at along the way.
CreatticaDaily From the team at Envato, Creattica provides a broad range of links to articles of interest for designers and creatives.
Creative Curio Blog from Lauren Marie Krause with some really solid guides to design principles. One of the hidden gems in this list.
Creative Overflow A site providing articles,tutorials, resources and inspiration for anyone in design. How kind.
CreativeTechs Blog from the folks at Creative Techs who run an awesome set of courses for designers.
CSS Beauty A community focussed on providing it’s users with examples of good CSS based sites along new news and updates about the CSS community.
CSSstyle Edited submission site containing galleries of high quality CSS sites.
CSS Tricks Chris Coyier’s excellent community site covering website design, development, interviews with well known designers and developers and more.
D Keith Robinson The game, visual and user interface designer D Keith Robinson shares his thoughts on design on this interesting and quirky blog.
Dan Mall This blog, inspired by New York Times and LA Times in design, is the home of Dan Mall, the Senior Designer at Big Spaceship who talks all things design.
Darkmotion Blog from Pasquale D’Silva in Australia covering illustration and animation. Good humour throughout.
David Airey A well regarded designer and incisive commentator on the design world we live in. Always original. Also moderates LogoDesignLove.
DeltaTangoBravo A blog by Daniel Burka (ex Creative Director of Digg – now Director of Design at Tiny Speck) where he shares his thoughts and views on design.
DesignBump Community powered design news. Dig it?
DesignCreme Showcase of good design.
Design Cubicle Brian Hoff’s blog covering a range of great graphic design subjects and personal insights.
Designer Daily A blog for designers and web designers by Mirko Humbert, a Swiss graphic designer who shares his thoughts on design, resources and tips.
Designer Fix A site created for designers by designers – intended to share inspiration and techniques.
DesignerSide Collation of links to the best graphic design posts.
Designers Who Blog A design blog by Catherine Wentworth for designers, photographers, writers, marketeers, etc., who blog. Lots of reader contributions.
DesignFeedr Portfolios, inspiration, features, news. A broad range of design resources.
DesignFlavr Design inspiration with daily updates of cool design from across the web. UGC, rating and resources. Run by Andrew Greig. A community-based website run by Steven Snell for web designers and developers. The site includes a popular blog, a user-submitted news section, a design gallery, and a design job board. Also runs Vandelay Design.
Design Meltdown Really well structured blog on trends in design by Patrick McNeil. Organised in a very innovative way by “chapters” making it a great resource.
Design O’Blog Niki Brown’s views on design, inspiration and tips.
Design Poke The digg of the design world, allowing you to vote for the latest, most useful and informative web design news.
Design Observer Pithy and witty observations on design and the people who do it.
Design Reviver Tutorials, free downloads, sources of inspiration, and articles covering a wide range of web design related topics
Design Shard A valuable resource for designers ranging from design tips, inspiration and free resources such as photoshop brushes or textures to be downloaded.
Desizn Tech Mostly a resource site with themes, wallpaper, icons and freebies.
DevLounge Whether you’re looking for tips on Photoshop, WordPress Plug-ins or HTML5, there’s something here for everyone. Blog with useful freebies such as vectors, PSD brushes and shapes, textures and backgrounds, icons etc.
The Dieline Design blog dedicated to the packaging design industry. Fantastic images and graphics of great packaging design.
Digital Arts Magazine The online version of Digital Arts Magazine. Covers a gamut of subjects including graphic design, 3D, animation, video, effects, web and interactive design, in print and online
DivineCSS CSS showcase. Best described in their own words, “We know the difference between s**t and Shinola and we’re pretty good at sniffing out a website worthy of the Divine CSS showcase gallery”.
Doodlage Unique and funny site dedicated to the art of the doodle. In their own words, “On a quest to elevate doodling to the status of an art form that it deserves!”
Doug Cloud Blog from Doug with tutorials and advice. Doesn’t post frequently, but very useful when he does.
Drawn A collaborative weblog for illustrators, artists, cartoonists, and anyone who likes to draw.
Dwell The online version of Dwell Magazine. Architecture and interior design.
Dzine Yugendran’s blog on design tutorials, inspiration, freebies and more.
Elite By Design Brian Lovin’s blog on web design and Photoshop inspiration.
Elliot Jay Stocks A well known public speaker and personality in the design world. Oh, and cool design work too!
Fadtastic The journal focussed on sharing trends in web design, typography and standards.
Fhoke Whether you’re interested in branding, design, email marketing, SEO or typography, the blog belonging to this cool design boutique studio has something for everyone.
From The Couch Hosted by brothers Marc and David Perel, this online web TV show covers everything web orientated – design, development and more.
Fudge Graphics Blog from Franz Jeitz covering graphic design, sources of inspiration and freebies.
Fuel Your Creativity Awesome resource from the folks at the Fuel Brand Network. Great articles and links to inspirational design resources.
Giackop Blog from Giacomo Coppola, a web and graphic designer from Italy.
GoMediaZine Is a site dedicated to art and graphic design. Includes tutorials, freebies and advice. For example, this post on Thoughts on Design Integrity. Getting what you want from your client. Containing great content with tips and advice for Graphic Designers, including these awesome creative techniques.
Graphic Design High quality blog with features, interviews and design inspiration. Loved this article.
The Graphic Mac James Dempsey’s blog containing advice on all things Mac, especially for new Mac users and designers.
Hannah Donovan Creative Director for, Hannah shares her views on web design and inspiration in this wonderful, refreshing blog.
HelpDeveloper Simon North’s blog on web design techniques, inspiration and web design business. Simon also runs
HelveticBrands Blog from David Pache, a Swiss designer running a design studio called Helvetic Brands.
HicksDesign The writing journal of Jon Hicks, looking at all aspects of the web from web design, user interfaces, branding and icons.
Hongkiat A blog from Hongkiat Lim covering Photoshop, web design, WordPress and much more. Excellent resource.
How Magazine Online magazinefrom the folks at the How group.
I’m Just Creative Logo and brand identity blog from Graham Smith covering a wide range of design topics with an emphasis on logo design and identity. Includes his expanding portfolio.
I am Khayyam Completely original blog from Khayyam Wakil. Check out It took me 25 minutes to design my ultimate business card.
Inspiredology Great blog from Chad Mueller covering a huge range of things web and design related
IxDA The website and forum of the Interaction Design Association, an amazingly active member organisation for IX designers.
Janko At Warp Speed Janko Jovanovic is a solution architect, developer, designer and artist. His blog includes articles, resources and reviews. Check out his new ebook.
Jason Santa Maria The design legend that is Jason Santa Maria (needs no further introduction!) uses this site as an experiment in art direction online and contains some fascinating articles on design.
Jeff Croft A freelance web designer and developer, Jeff uses this space to talk about his experiences as a designer, being a freelance and quite often karaoke!
Joel on Software The blog from the fabulous Joel Spolsky, founder of Fog Creek Software and immensely respected entrepreneur – may we say “guru”?
JonTangerine The writing place of Jon Tan, the founder of Analog and co-founder of Fontdeck. All round awesome guy.
Just Creative Design Blog from Jacob Cass, a designer & blogger with a fast-growing following and great design insight. Particularly strong on things logo-related.
Kathryn Corrick Thought provoking blog from Kathryn Corrick, a digital media consultant in the UK.
Larissa Meek Blog from Larissa Meek, creative director at AgencyNet and regular speaker on the conference circuit.
LifeDev Describes itself as “Empowering Creative People”. LiveDev is a genuinely original blog providing advice and ideas about creativity, art and design, for example, Four Reasons Why Fear is a Creative’s Friend.
Line25 Another blog from Chris Spooner of Spoongraphics. Line25 focuses more on web design.
Lines and Colors A blog from Charley Parker about drawing, sketching, painting, comics, cartoons, webcomics, illustration, digital art, concept art, and much more. Charley created the fantastic Argon Zark web comic.
LogoBliss A logo design inspiration gallery showcasing exclusive logo designs created by the best logo designers from the design community.
LogoNest A platform intended to share creative work. Logos submitted are judged and the winners appear in a published book each year.
Logo Of The Day Logo inspiration design. Updated daily. Nice and fresh.
Loon Design Kailoon is from Malaysia and is one of the reviewers for ThemeForest. His blog covers drawing and design, especially Illustrator and Photoshop.
MachoArts A place to find digital art works, portraits, Photoshop tutorials, freebies, showcases and articles related to design.
Marketing Fresh Peel Chris Wilson’s blog on marketing, branding and innovation.
MarketingSherpa One of the strongest marketing blogs out there. Not always directly design-related, but impacts design thinking none the less.
MarcoFolio Blog from Marco Kuiper in The Netherlands covering links, cool designs and the great monthly imagedump.
Maxvoltar The blog of Tim Van Damme, world class designer based in Belgium. Founder of Made by Elephant.
Method to the Mayhem Great blog about marketing, design, self-promotion and business from Calvin Lee at Mayhem Studios, who is also one of the most prolific designers on Twitter.
MeyerWeb The author of Eric Meyer on CSS writes about standards and design.
mezzoblue The design blog by the legend Dave Shea.
MollyDotCom Blog from Molly E Holzschlag, one of the most influential women on the web. Now acting as a Web Evangelist for the operating system Opera, Molly can be found writing about web standards and her views on the web.
My Ink Blog Andrew Houle’s fantastic resource for all graphic and web designers. Also, beautifully designed IOHO.
Naldz Graphics Provides tutorials, tips, resources, inspirations, freebies and other interesting things.
Nerd Business Top of the list for innovative, thought provoking and original posts.
.Net Magazine Online version of the UK’s .Net Magazine.
Nettuts+ From the Envato team and aimed at web developers and designers. Offers tutorials and articles on technologies, skills and techniques to improve how we design and build websites.
New Work A platform where a collective of young people working in new media can share their inspiration and latest work.
Noupe For designers and web-developers, Noupe provides news, articles and tutorials on all subjects of design, ranging from; CSS, Ajax, Javascript, web design, graphics, typography, advertising and more.
Observin Cool blog covering design related topics.
Outlaw Design Blog Fresh and inspiring design blog by Danny Outlaw. Great emphasis on passive income, which is an objective of many freelancers.
Particletree By far one of the best sites on the web, this awesome blog covers all aspects of running a great site – from code to design, writing to business aspects of running a startup.
Pearsonified Web developer and WordPress theme designer Chris Pearson gives tutorials on how to build sites the right way! SEO, design and profitability are just a couple of the topics covered.
PointBrake Blog from Ann Edwards, a web designer and developer from the Midwest. Covers topics from web development to freelancing.
Positive Space Blog A great blog from Anthony Zinni with topics that range from the typical inspirational roundup to functional articles based around running a successful agency and working as a professional graphic designer.
PrintMag The online home of Print Magazine, he bimonthly publication about visual culture and design.
Pro Blog Design A more technically focused blog covering many aspects of blog design, creation and development.
Reaction High quality blog from the folks at Etre.
Redswish Great blog from Nathan Beck, a designer working in Manchester, England.
Rey Bango A member of the jQuery Javascript library’s Core Project Team as well as a writer for, Rey shares his views on Javascript, CSS & HTML development tools, libraries, projects and books.
Sam Brown This hugely talented web designer from Edinburgh, Scotland shares his thoughts on usability and web standards.
Scene 360 Illusion The illusion project highlights artwork that is “unique”—amazing for its skills, level of creativity and vision.
sCommerce sCommerce is a self-hosted blog site for news and stories on Social Commerce and Social Sourcing.
Sharebrain Great site for web designers from Thomas in Germany. Covers front end web development as much as design.
SimpleBits The founder of the SimpleBits design studio, Dan Cederholm here shares his views on design and gives insights of projects that he’s working on.
SiteInspire Blog by Daniel Howells showcasing innovative and high quality website design. Well edited.
Sitepoint One of the biggest and broadest design resources on the web. One of the top 3 most popular ebusiness websites in the world.
Six Revisions Provides great resources for people who design AND code. Founded by Jacob Gube who also writes for Smashing Magazine.
Smashing Apps Describes itself as “Free and useful online resources for designers and developers”.
Smashing Magazine One of the biggest graphic and web design blogs out there. Awesomely original articles covering a huge range of subjects. Known for really in-depth and original pieces. Blog of Jonathan Snook, well known designer, coder and man-about-web. More technically focused than some blogs on this list.
SpeckyBoy Mostly “top” lists, and very well put together/edited. How lists like this should be done.
SpoonFedDesign Blog from Matt with some genuinely original tutorials and design inspirations.
Spoon Graphics The blog of Chris Spooner, a well respected designer and blogger, covering a range of design subjects, with an emphasis on vector work and graphic design. See also Line25.
Stuff and Nonsense The blog of the world renowned Andy Clarke, sharing his processes, experiences and thoughts on web design along with his many speaking gigs of course Blog from Roger Byrne, originally from England, now in Egypt. Posts his own tutorials, “best of” lists, etc.
Subtraction The blog of Khoi Vinh, ex Creative Director for the New York Times. An expert in the field of typography, this shares his thoughts on design and all things beautiful.
SuperfluousBanter Links and insights to the wonderful designer and regular on the web design conference speaking circuit, Dan Rubin.
SwissMiss A “must read” blog from Tina Roth Eisenberg, covering an eclectic mix of “design” that is quirky, cool, or simply inspiring. How she finds time to blog and run her design business beats me. Great resource.
That Indie Dude Alex Linebrink’s blog – really forthright views on how design and design blogging is becoming “me too”. Having looked at over 400 design blogs we truly buy into that!
The Design Superhero Blog from Aravind Ajith in Bangalore, the design superhero is a design blog which handles posts on design, CSS, usability, inspiration and tutorials. Also gives away a lot of design freebies.
The Everyday Web Expert Is a blog from The Everyday Web Expert, a full service web design company run by Kyle Reddoch.
The Man in Blue Blog of Cameron Adams looking at the skill of writing and web design.
ThinkDesign Blog by Nick Pagano of ThinkFour with design resources, freebies and inspiration.
Think Vitamin Great design resource from the folks at Carsonified.
Tianodesign Thought provoking blog from Stephen Tiano that includes design issues and a lot more. Very original thinking.
Tony Naccarato Cool blog with great viewpoints from designer Tony who runs 325studio.
Tracey Grady Design Great blog from Tracey who is based in Hobart, Tasmania (Australia).
Turbomilk Great blog from an icon design team in Samara, Russia. If you are into icon design, this is a must-read blog.
Typographica Awesome resource for typefaces, fonts and typographic design.
Unbeige Mediabistro’s blog about design, “Where designers read design”.
Under Consideration Definitely worth checking out!
UsabilityPost Blog from Dmitry Fadeyev who also writes for Smashing Magazine. Covers tips and insights into good design practice including articles like 8 Characteristics Of Successful User Interfaces.
UXmatters The site provides insights and inspiration for UX professionals, with content encompassing all aspects of UX strategy, design, and user research.
Vandelay Design Blog covering a range of design topics, plus a showcase of design galleries.
Veerle’s Blog Top graphic design blog from Veerle Pieters.
Warpspire Blog of Kyle Neath – San Francisco based designer working at GitHub. The site talks about design and all things beautiful on the web.
We Are Just Creative UGC blog showcasing, well… anything creative. Run by Graham Smith who also runs I’m just Creative.
WebAppers Blog by Ray Cheung focusing on open source, high quality and free resources for web developers.
Webdesigner Depot A collaboration between leading designers around the world providing a wealth of expertise in all fields of design, such as coding, typography, Photoshop tutorial, etc.
Web Designer Mag Design focused online magazine from the UK.
Web Design Ledger Broad design blog covering design tutorials, resources, inspiration and freebies.
WebDesignerWall Design ideas and tutorials from Nick La of N.Design Studio and who also runs Best Web Gallery.
WebJackaloupe Blog from Glen Stansberry covering a range of web design and development topics such as Taking Back the Homepage: 12 Ways to Design For the Fickle Web User
WebResources Depot Free web resources for web designers and developers.
WebToolkit4Me A blog from Gerasimos based in Thessaloniki, Greece. Lists bookmarks to great resources covering design, frontend development, backend development, SEO and useful apps.
WeFunction The blog from the team at Function, containing interviews, tips, icons and more.
Well Medicated Great blog from Andrew Lindstrom with inspirational links, showcases and freebies.
Yellowlane Blog from the hugely talented Josh Williams, founder of Gowalla who is a visual designer by trade. Here you’ll find insights into the life of the entrepreneur and his views on the web and design.
YouTheDesigner Blog from Gino Orlandi featuring tips, freebies and jobs.
Zeldman The web design superstar Jeffrey Zeldman, Executive Creative Director of HappyCog, publisher of A List Apart among many other projects, takes time to regularly update this blog with thought provoking articles. He’s just too cool for skool!

Freelance Life
37signals The web wonder that is 37signals bring their views on creating a startup and lessons that they’ve learned along the way.
Blog Perfume Bills itself as a WordPress related site, but covers a wider range of subjects for designers, writers and bloggers. Always useful.
Escape from Cubicle Nation Blog by Pamela Slim, a coach and writer who helps frustrated employees in corporate jobs break out and start their own business.
Freelance Folder A great collection of articles from an awesome group of writers, including
Freelance Switch This is one of the top blogs for freelancers. It is packed with advice, news and opinion pieces from top freelancers, plus the great Freelance Freedom cartoon series from NC Winters. A great example of the posts is this article on 50 Simple Marketing Ideas All Freelancers Can Use.
Fresh Thinking Ok, this is a product blog by the folks at Freshbooks, but it contains lots of useful information for budding freelancers.
Graphic Design Blender A blog with tips on how to handle clients, run a business and work freelance. Everything you could need to get by.
Lifehacker Ever popular blog that features tips, shortcuts, and downloads that help you get things done smarter and more efficiently.
Men With Pens Great blog from the team at Men With Pens focusing on web business for writers, freelancers and online entrepreneurs.
Paul Graham Not really a design blog, but a great inspiration to anyone working as an entrepreneur.
Ronnie Lebow Blog from one of Canada’s leading creative directors. If you are freelancing, this is a MUST.

Photoshop & Illustrator Sites Photoshop tutorials, resources and freebies from Johnson Koh in Singapore.
AiBURN Is a site from Sean Hodge who is also a writer for PSDTUTS, Smashing Magazine and GoMediaZine. Centres on vector graphics, but covers a lot more.
BrushKing Brushes and tutorials.What more can we say?
BittBox A goodie box filled with design freebies, tutorials, vectors, Photoshop brushes and textures. Yum.
High Resolution Textures Close-up photographs of surfaces such as wood, stone, metal or fabric.
Layers Magazine Magazine for everything Adobe.
Lost and Taken Caleb Kimbrough’s fantastic resource of free textures.
Photoshop Creative Provides Photoshop users with lashings of practical advice and inspiration.
Photoshop Girl A blog dedicated to helping you get the most out of Photoshop. Simples.
PSDFan PSD tutorial site from Tom Ross.
PSDtuts+ From the Envato team and aimed at web developers and designers. Showcases some of the best Photoshop tutorials around.
QBrushes A Photoshop resource site showcasing quality Photoshop brushes from different talented designers.
QVectors Showcase site for free quality vector images from around the net.
RasterVector Wonderful resource for all things Mac and Adobe.
Tutorial9 A group authored site run by David Leggett with tutorials on Photoshop, photography, web design, blogging and more.
TutorialBlog Whilst this blog primarily provides tutorials on Photoshop and web design, it also covers other aspects such as social media, writing and being a freelancer.
TutorialKing A collection of high quality Photoshop tutorials.
Tutzor Photoshop tutorials from Walter.
Vectips Site by Ryan Putnam (Rype) dedicated to Adobe Illustrator® tips, tricks, and tutorials.
Vector Diary Vectordiary is a blog on vector illustration. It was created by Tony Soh who is an exclusive vector art contributor to iStockphoto.
VectorTuts+ From the Envato team.
Vector Vault Huge collection of vector art and related articles. Includes free downloads, content and tips.
Wake Up Later Blog from Samuel Ryan writing about freelancing and entrepreneurship.
We are not Freelancers Not about freelancers, but about a web design firm in South Africa.Nice approach dubunking the myth that all web designers are freelance.
Web Worker Daily Practical tips and advice for anyone who uses the web for work. Excellent resource for freelance designers.

Advertising Sites
Adrants Round-up of ads and marketing news from around the world, edited by Steve Hall and Angela Natividada.
Ads of the World Community site for people in advertising. Includes a huge archive of ads from around the world, news, a forum and much more.
AdGoodness Advertising showcase created by Frederik Samuel who describes the site as “The best and sometimes the worst around the globe”.

Typography Sites
8 Faces The new design magazine published by Elliot Jay Stocks focused on typography. Only 1000 copies are produced per edition. They’re special.
Ministry of Type A blog by Eegir Hallmundur which looks at type, typography, calligraphy and a whole host of other design inspirations.
I Love Typography A site focused on the disciplines of typography, type design and lettering by the ever so clever John Boardley.

Image Sourcing Sites
Big Stock Photo Offering over 4 million royalty-free photographs and illustrations from photographers and artists around the globe.
ClownFishPhoto High quality photos offered by the guys and girls who have a beautiful site of their own.
Fotolia The first worldwide social marketplace for royalty-free stock images,allowing individuals and professionals to legally buy and share stock images and illustrations.
iStockPhoto The web’s original source for royalty-free imagery – quality images are always guaranteed.
pixmac Microstock agency, selling individual images at reasonable prices.
Shutterstock The largest subscription based stock photography agency in the world.
Vector Stock Royalty-free vector graphics.
The BIGGEST ever list of design resources!
Following the huge success of last year’s “World’s Biggest Ever List of Graphic Design Blogs”, we’ve decided that we should turn it into an annual event – after all, more people than ever before are blogging and the talent pool continues to grow.This year, we’ve added in some additional categories including typography and image sourcing sites to help you along your way. The list is at least 40% larger than last year and is the one stop shop for all that you could need in terms of inspiration, reference material or tools for you to use.
So, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen…. drum-roll please!
Graphic Design
1stwebdesigner Blog by Dainis Graveris in Latvia covering all things design and freelance.
2expertsdesign A blog filled with tips – whether it’s graphic design, logo design, web design, advertising, branding or typography. There’s something there for everyone!
456 Berea Street Blog from Roger Johansson containing articles and tutorials on web standards, accessibility and usability.
72dpi Graphic design inspiration. It’s weird, we love it..
A List Apart The famous site that’s a must read for all of those involved with building websites, including contributions from the wonderful Jeffrey Zeldman, Jason Santa Maria and Eric Mayer.
Abduzeedo Created by Fabio Sasso in Brazil and now one of the most popular design blogs. Includes tutorials, wallpapers, interviews and news. Strong participation from readers.
Adaptive Path Really interesting blog from the guys at Adaptive Path focussing on user interface and user experience design. They’re smart cookies.
Andy Budd As a regular on the speaker circuit and one of the founders of Clearleft, Andy writes about design issues, CSS, web standards, user centred design and information architecture.
Andy Sowards Eponymous blog covers cool links from around the world of web design, development and technology.
Anidan Design Dani McDaniel’s blog covering design and development for the web and WordPress. Dani also set up JustTweetIt with Adelle Charles at Fuel.
Arbenting From Angie Bowen and Robert Bowen, Arbenting covers design tips, tutorials, news and inspiration.
Bartelme Design This awesome little design agency share tips and advice on their blog as well as giving away wallpapers and other cool goodies.
BearSkinRug A blog by the illustrator and designer Kevin Cornell. The site contains design, art and a hell of a lot of lucklaster humour thrown in for good measure.
Beautiful Decay The online version of the Beautiful Decay magazine that features exclusive content including artist interviews, behind the scenes looks at other creative companies, artists studios and more from around the world.
Behance Magazine Great blog from the folks at the Behance Network. Wide range of articles for creatives in all sectors. Really high quality content.
Big Spaceship The blog belonging to the world famous design agency, Big Spaceship. Looking at user experience, consumer insights and emerging trends, a good read is always guaranteed.
BittBox Great blog from Jay Hilgert focusing on freebies for web designers and developers.
BoagWorld Popular podcast on web design, development and management.
Booooooom Blog from Jeff Hamada in Vancouver. Covers a wide range of creative arts.
Brendan Dawes Renowned for being the man to re-invent everythings, this guy’s creativity knows no bounds. A great site for inspiration and just to be wowed.
Brian Fling The mobile web design expert, Brian Fling, shares his insights on this wonderful blog.
Brian Yerkes One of the true “rock star” designers out there (our words not his). Great work and deep insights into the world of design and marketing.
Cats Who Code Is a blog run by Jean-Baptiste Jung, a blogger/web developer/web designer from Belgium. Cats Who Code covers web development, web design, blogging tips and WordPress. Jean-Baptiste also runs WpRecipes.
Clagnut Blog from Richard Rutter, the Production Director at Clearleft, where he discusses architecture, accessibility and design.
Colorburned Great blog from Grant Friedman covering many aspects of graphic and web design.
COLOURlovers A community where designers can create and share colours, palettes, patterns and discuss the latest trends.
Computer Arts Magazine One-stop shop for professional advice on creating digital art and illustrations.
Cool Vibe A digital art magazine showcasing science fiction, fantasy, illustrations, matte paintings, vector art, 3D renders and other amazing digital work.
Core77 The online design magazine and resource.
Coudal Partners The blog from the superstar design outfit based in Chicago. Always great features and strong opinions.
Craig Baldwin Cool blog from a student at the Winchester School of Art in England. Gathers a great list of the “best of” from across teh web.
CrazyLeaf Big design blog covering graphic design, web design, Flash, Photoshop, vector graphics, design inspiration, programming, print design, design resources and photography.
Creating Sexy Style Sheets The web designer and artist, Gina Bolton uses this blog to share her thoughts on web design along with presentations from various conferences that she has spoken at along the way.
CreatticaDaily From the team at Envato, Creattica provides a broad range of links to articles of interest for designers and creatives.
Creative Curio Blog from Lauren Marie Krause with some really solid guides to design principles. One of the hidden gems in this list.
Creative Overflow A site providing articles,tutorials, resources and inspiration for anyone in design. How kind.
CreativeTechs Blog from the folks at Creative Techs who run an awesome set of courses for designers.
CSS Beauty A community focussed on providing it’s users with examples of good CSS based sites along new news and updates about the CSS community.
CSSstyle Edited submission site containing galleries of high quality CSS sites.
CSS Tricks Chris Coyier’s excellent community site covering website design, development, interviews with well known designers and developers and more.
D Keith Robinson The game, visual and user interface designer D Keith Robinson shares his thoughts on design on this interesting and quirky blog.
Dan Mall This blog, inspired by New York Times and LA Times in design, is the home of Dan Mall, the Senior Designer at Big Spaceship who talks all things design.
Darkmotion Blog from Pasquale D’Silva in Australia covering illustration and animation. Good humour throughout.
David Airey A well regarded designer and incisive commentator on the design world we live in. Always original. Also moderates LogoDesignLove.
DeltaTangoBravo A blog by Daniel Burka (ex Creative Director of Digg – now Director of Design at Tiny Speck) where he shares his thoughts and views on design.
DesignBump Community powered design news. Dig it?
DesignCreme Showcase of good design.
Design Cubicle Brian Hoff’s blog covering a range of great graphic design subjects and personal insights.
Designer Daily A blog for designers and web designers by Mirko Humbert, a Swiss graphic designer who shares his thoughts on design, resources and tips.
Designer Fix A site created for designers by designers – intended to share inspiration and techniques.
DesignerSide Collation of links to the best graphic design posts.
Designers Who Blog A design blog by Catherine Wentworth for designers, photographers, writers, marketeers, etc., who blog. Lots of reader contributions.
DesignFeedr Portfolios, inspiration, features, news. A broad range of design resources.
DesignFlavr Design inspiration with daily updates of cool design from across the web. UGC, rating and resources. Run by Andrew Greig. A community-based website run by Steven Snell for web designers and developers. The site includes a popular blog, a user-submitted news section, a design gallery, and a design job board. Also runs Vandelay Design.
Design Meltdown Really well structured blog on trends in design by Patrick McNeil. Organised in a very innovative way by “chapters” making it a great resource.
Design O’Blog Niki Brown’s views on design, inspiration and tips.
Design Poke The digg of the design world, allowing you to vote for the latest, most useful and informative web design news.
Design Observer Pithy and witty observations on design and the people who do it.
Design Reviver Tutorials, free downloads, sources of inspiration, and articles covering a wide range of web design related topics
Design Shard A valuable resource for designers ranging from design tips, inspiration and free resources such as photoshop brushes or textures to be downloaded.
Desizn Tech Mostly a resource site with themes, wallpaper, icons and freebies.
DevLounge Whether you’re looking for tips on Photoshop, WordPress Plug-ins or HTML5, there’s something here for everyone. Blog with useful freebies such as vectors, PSD brushes and shapes, textures and backgrounds, icons etc.
The Dieline Design blog dedicated to the packaging design industry. Fantastic images and graphics of great packaging design.
Digital Arts Magazine The online version of Digital Arts Magazine. Covers a gamut of subjects including graphic design, 3D, animation, video, effects, web and interactive design, in print and online
DivineCSS CSS showcase. Best described in their own words, “We know the difference between s**t and Shinola and we’re pretty good at sniffing out a website worthy of the Divine CSS showcase gallery”.
Doodlage Unique and funny site dedicated to the art of the doodle. In their own words, “On a quest to elevate doodling to the status of an art form that it deserves!”
Doug Cloud Blog from Doug with tutorials and advice. Doesn’t post frequently, but very useful when he does.
Drawn A collaborative weblog for illustrators, artists, cartoonists, and anyone who likes to draw.
Dwell The online version of Dwell Magazine. Architecture and interior design.
Dzine Yugendran’s blog on design tutorials, inspiration, freebies and more.
Elite By Design Brian Lovin’s blog on web design and Photoshop inspiration.
Elliot Jay Stocks A well known public speaker and personality in the design world. Oh, and cool design work too!
Fadtastic The journal focussed on sharing trends in web design, typography and standards.
Fhoke Whether you’re interested in branding, design, email marketing, SEO or typography, the blog belonging to this cool design boutique studio has something for everyone.
From The Couch Hosted by brothers Marc and David Perel, this online web TV show covers everything web orientated – design, development and more.
Fudge Graphics Blog from Franz Jeitz covering graphic design, sources of inspiration and freebies.
Fuel Your Creativity Awesome resource from the folks at the Fuel Brand Network. Great articles and links to inspirational design resources.
Giackop Blog from Giacomo Coppola, a web and graphic designer from Italy.
GoMediaZine Is a site dedicated to art and graphic design. Includes tutorials, freebies and advice. For example, this post on Thoughts on Design Integrity. Getting what you want from your client. Containing great content with tips and advice for Graphic Designers, including these awesome creative techniques.
Graphic Design High quality blog with features, interviews and design inspiration. Loved this article.
The Graphic Mac James Dempsey’s blog containing advice on all things Mac, especially for new Mac users and designers.
Hannah Donovan Creative Director for, Hannah shares her views on web design and inspiration in this wonderful, refreshing blog.
HelpDeveloper Simon North’s blog on web design techniques, inspiration and web design business. Simon also runs
HelveticBrands Blog from David Pache, a Swiss designer running a design studio called Helvetic Brands.
HicksDesign The writing journal of Jon Hicks, looking at all aspects of the web from web design, user interfaces, branding and icons.
Hongkiat A blog from Hongkiat Lim covering Photoshop, web design, WordPress and much more. Excellent resource.
How Magazine Online magazinefrom the folks at the How group.
I’m Just Creative Logo and brand identity blog from Graham Smith covering a wide range of design topics with an emphasis on logo design and identity. Includes his expanding portfolio.
I am Khayyam Completely original blog from Khayyam Wakil. Check out It took me 25 minutes to design my ultimate business card.
Inspiredology Great blog from Chad Mueller covering a huge range of things web and design related
IxDA The website and forum of the Interaction Design Association, an amazingly active member organisation for IX designers.
Janko At Warp Speed Janko Jovanovic is a solution architect, developer, designer and artist. His blog includes articles, resources and reviews. Check out his new ebook.
Jason Santa Maria The design legend that is Jason Santa Maria (needs no further introduction!) uses this site as an experiment in art direction online and contains some fascinating articles on design.
Jeff Croft A freelance web designer and developer, Jeff uses this space to talk about his experiences as a designer, being a freelance and quite often karaoke!
Joel on Software The blog from the fabulous Joel Spolsky, founder of Fog Creek Software and immensely respected entrepreneur – may we say “guru”?
JonTangerine The writing place of Jon Tan, the founder of Analog and co-founder of Fontdeck. All round awesome guy.
Just Creative Design Blog from Jacob Cass, a designer & blogger with a fast-growing following and great design insight. Particularly strong on things logo-related.
Kathryn Corrick Thought provoking blog from Kathryn Corrick, a digital media consultant in the UK.
Larissa Meek Blog from Larissa Meek, creative director at AgencyNet and regular speaker on the conference circuit.
LifeDev Describes itself as “Empowering Creative People”. LiveDev is a genuinely original blog providing advice and ideas about creativity, art and design, for example, Four Reasons Why Fear is a Creative’s Friend.
Line25 Another blog from Chris Spooner of Spoongraphics. Line25 focuses more on web design.
Lines and Colors A blog from Charley Parker about drawing, sketching, painting, comics, cartoons, webcomics, illustration, digital art, concept art, and much more. Charley created the fantastic Argon Zark web comic.
LogoBliss A logo design inspiration gallery showcasing exclusive logo designs created by the best logo designers from the design community.
LogoNest A platform intended to share creative work. Logos submitted are judged and the winners appear in a published book each year.
Logo Of The Day Logo inspiration design. Updated daily. Nice and fresh.
Loon Design Kailoon is from Malaysia and is one of the reviewers for ThemeForest. His blog covers drawing and design, especially Illustrator and Photoshop.
MachoArts A place to find digital art works, portraits, Photoshop tutorials, freebies, showcases and articles related to design.
Marketing Fresh Peel Chris Wilson’s blog on marketing, branding and innovation.
MarketingSherpa One of the strongest marketing blogs out there. Not always directly design-related, but impacts design thinking none the less.
MarcoFolio Blog from Marco Kuiper in The Netherlands covering links, cool designs and the great monthly imagedump.
Maxvoltar The blog of Tim Van Damme, world class designer based in Belgium. Founder of Made by Elephant.
Method to the Mayhem Great blog about marketing, design, self-promotion and business from Calvin Lee at Mayhem Studios, who is also one of the most prolific designers on Twitter.
MeyerWeb The author of Eric Meyer on CSS writes about standards and design.
mezzoblue The design blog by the legend Dave Shea.
MollyDotCom Blog from Molly E Holzschlag, one of the most influential women on the web. Now acting as a Web Evangelist for the operating system Opera, Molly can be found writing about web standards and her views on the web.
My Ink Blog Andrew Houle’s fantastic resource for all graphic and web designers. Also, beautifully designed IOHO.
Naldz Graphics Provides tutorials, tips, resources, inspirations, freebies and other interesting things.
Nerd Business Top of the list for innovative, thought provoking and original posts.
.Net Magazine Online version of the UK’s .Net Magazine.
Nettuts+ From the Envato team and aimed at web developers and designers. Offers tutorials and articles on technologies, skills and techniques to improve how we design and build websites.
New Work A platform where a collective of young people working in new media can share their inspiration and latest work.
Noupe For designers and web-developers, Noupe provides news, articles and tutorials on all subjects of design, ranging from; CSS, Ajax, Javascript, web design, graphics, typography, advertising and more.
Observin Cool blog covering design related topics.
Outlaw Design Blog Fresh and inspiring design blog by Danny Outlaw. Great emphasis on passive income, which is an objective of many freelancers.
Particletree By far one of the best sites on the web, this awesome blog covers all aspects of running a great site – from code to design, writing to business aspects of running a startup.
Pearsonified Web developer and WordPress theme designer Chris Pearson gives tutorials on how to build sites the right way! SEO, design and profitability are just a couple of the topics covered.
PointBrake Blog from Ann Edwards, a web designer and developer from the Midwest. Covers topics from web development to freelancing.
Positive Space Blog A great blog from Anthony Zinni with topics that range from the typical inspirational roundup to functional articles based around running a successful agency and working as a professional graphic designer.
PrintMag The online home of Print Magazine, he bimonthly publication about visual culture and design.
Pro Blog Design A more technically focused blog covering many aspects of blog design, creation and development.
Reaction High quality blog from the folks at Etre.
Redswish Great blog from Nathan Beck, a designer working in Manchester, England.
Rey Bango A member of the jQuery Javascript library’s Core Project Team as well as a writer for, Rey shares his views on Javascript, CSS & HTML development tools, libraries, projects and books.
Sam Brown This hugely talented web designer from Edinburgh, Scotland shares his thoughts on usability and web standards.
Scene 360 Illusion The illusion project highlights artwork that is “unique”—amazing for its skills, level of creativity and vision.
sCommerce sCommerce is a self-hosted blog site for news and stories on Social Commerce and Social Sourcing.
Sharebrain Great site for web designers from Thomas in Germany. Covers front end web development as much as design.
SimpleBits The founder of the SimpleBits design studio, Dan Cederholm here shares his views on design and gives insights of projects that he’s working on.
SiteInspire Blog by Daniel Howells showcasing innovative and high quality website design. Well edited.
Sitepoint One of the biggest and broadest design resources on the web. One of the top 3 most popular ebusiness websites in the world.
Six Revisions Provides great resources for people who design AND code. Founded by Jacob Gube who also writes for Smashing Magazine.
Smashing Apps Describes itself as “Free and useful online resources for designers and developers”.
Smashing Magazine One of the biggest graphic and web design blogs out there. Awesomely original articles covering a huge range of subjects. Known for really in-depth and original pieces. Blog of Jonathan Snook, well known designer, coder and man-about-web. More technically focused than some blogs on this list.
SpeckyBoy Mostly “top” lists, and very well put together/edited. How lists like this should be done.
SpoonFedDesign Blog from Matt with some genuinely original tutorials and design inspirations.
Spoon Graphics The blog of Chris Spooner, a well respected designer and blogger, covering a range of design subjects, with an emphasis on vector work and graphic design. See also Line25.
Stuff and Nonsense The blog of the world renowned Andy Clarke, sharing his processes, experiences and thoughts on web design along with his many speaking gigs of course Blog from Roger Byrne, originally from England, now in Egypt. Posts his own tutorials, “best of” lists, etc.
Subtraction The blog of Khoi Vinh, ex Creative Director for the New York Times. An expert in the field of typography, this shares his thoughts on design and all things beautiful.
SuperfluousBanter Links and insights to the wonderful designer and regular on the web design conference speaking circuit, Dan Rubin.
SwissMiss A “must read” blog from Tina Roth Eisenberg, covering an eclectic mix of “design” that is quirky, cool, or simply inspiring. How she finds time to blog and run her design business beats me. Great resource.
That Indie Dude Alex Linebrink’s blog – really forthright views on how design and design blogging is becoming “me too”. Having looked at over 400 design blogs we truly buy into that!
The Design Superhero Blog from Aravind Ajith in Bangalore, the design superhero is a design blog which handles posts on design, CSS, usability, inspiration and tutorials. Also gives away a lot of design freebies.
The Everyday Web Expert Is a blog from The Everyday Web Expert, a full service web design company run by Kyle Reddoch.
The Man in Blue Blog of Cameron Adams looking at the skill of writing and web design.
ThinkDesign Blog by Nick Pagano of ThinkFour with design resources, freebies and inspiration.
Think Vitamin Great design resource from the folks at Carsonified.
Tianodesign Thought provoking blog from Stephen Tiano that includes design issues and a lot more. Very original thinking.
Tony Naccarato Cool blog with great viewpoints from designer Tony who runs 325studio.
Tracey Grady Design Great blog from Tracey who is based in Hobart, Tasmania (Australia).
Turbomilk Great blog from an icon design team in Samara, Russia. If you are into icon design, this is a must-read blog.
Typographica Awesome resource for typefaces, fonts and typographic design.
Unbeige Mediabistro’s blog about design, “Where designers read design”.
Under Consideration Definitely worth checking out!
UsabilityPost Blog from Dmitry Fadeyev who also writes for Smashing Magazine. Covers tips and insights into good design practice including articles like 8 Characteristics Of Successful User Interfaces.
UXmatters The site provides insights and inspiration for UX professionals, with content encompassing all aspects of UX strategy, design, and user research.
Vandelay Design Blog covering a range of design topics, plus a showcase of design galleries.
Veerle’s Blog Top graphic design blog from Veerle Pieters.
Warpspire Blog of Kyle Neath – San Francisco based designer working at GitHub. The site talks about design and all things beautiful on the web.
We Are Just Creative UGC blog showcasing, well… anything creative. Run by Graham Smith who also runs I’m just Creative.
WebAppers Blog by Ray Cheung focusing on open source, high quality and free resources for web developers.
Webdesigner Depot A collaboration between leading designers around the world providing a wealth of expertise in all fields of design, such as coding, typography, Photoshop tutorial, etc.
Web Designer Mag Design focused online magazine from the UK.
Web Design Ledger Broad design blog covering design tutorials, resources, inspiration and freebies.
WebDesignerWall Design ideas and tutorials from Nick La of N.Design Studio and who also runs Best Web Gallery.
WebJackaloupe Blog from Glen Stansberry covering a range of web design and development topics such as Taking Back the Homepage: 12 Ways to Design For the Fickle Web User
WebResources Depot Free web resources for web designers and developers.
WebToolkit4Me A blog from Gerasimos based in Thessaloniki, Greece. Lists bookmarks to great resources covering design, frontend development, backend development, SEO and useful apps.
WeFunction The blog from the team at Function, containing interviews, tips, icons and more.
Well Medicated Great blog from Andrew Lindstrom with inspirational links, showcases and freebies.
Yellowlane Blog from the hugely talented Josh Williams, founder of Gowalla who is a visual designer by trade. Here you’ll find insights into the life of the entrepreneur and his views on the web and design.
YouTheDesigner Blog from Gino Orlandi featuring tips, freebies and jobs.
Zeldman The web design superstar Jeffrey Zeldman, Executive Creative Director of HappyCog, publisher of A List Apart among many other projects, takes time to regularly update this blog with thought provoking articles. He’s just too cool for skool!
Freelance Life
37signals The web wonder that is 37signals bring their views on creating a startup and lessons that they’ve learned along the way.
Blog Perfume Bills itself as a WordPress related site, but covers a wider range of subjects for designers, writers and bloggers. Always useful.
Escape from Cubicle Nation Blog by Pamela Slim, a coach and writer who helps frustrated employees in corporate jobs break out and start their own business.
Freelance Folder A great collection of articles from an awesome group of writers, including
Freelance Switch This is one of the top blogs for freelancers. It is packed with advice, news and opinion pieces from top freelancers, plus the great Freelance Freedom cartoon series from NC Winters. A great example of the posts is this article on 50 Simple Marketing Ideas All Freelancers Can Use.
Fresh Thinking Ok, this is a product blog by the folks at Freshbooks, but it contains lots of useful information for budding freelancers.
Graphic Design Blender A blog with tips on how to handle clients, run a business and work freelance. Everything you could need to get by.
Lifehacker Ever popular blog that features tips, shortcuts, and downloads that help you get things done smarter and more efficiently.
Men With Pens Great blog from the team at Men With Pens focusing on web business for writers, freelancers and online entrepreneurs.
Paul Graham Not really a design blog, but a great inspiration to anyone working as an entrepreneur.
Ronnie Lebow Blog from one of Canada’s leading creative directors. If you are freelancing, this is a MUST.
Photoshop & Illustrator Sites Photoshop tutorials, resources and freebies from Johnson Koh in Singapore.
AiBURN Is a site from Sean Hodge who is also a writer for PSDTUTS, Smashing Magazine and GoMediaZine. Centres on vector graphics, but covers a lot more.
BrushKing Brushes and tutorials.What more can we say?
BittBox A goodie box filled with design freebies, tutorials, vectors, Photoshop brushes and textures. Yum.
High Resolution Textures Close-up photographs of surfaces such as wood, stone, metal or fabric.
Layers Magazine Magazine for everything Adobe.
Lost and Taken Caleb Kimbrough’s fantastic resource of free textures.
Photoshop Creative Provides Photoshop users with lashings of practical advice and inspiration.
Photoshop Girl A blog dedicated to helping you get the most out of Photoshop. Simples.
PSDFan PSD tutorial site from Tom Ross.
PSDtuts+ From the Envato team and aimed at web developers and designers. Showcases some of the best Photoshop tutorials around.
QBrushes A Photoshop resource site showcasing quality Photoshop brushes from different talented designers.
QVectors Showcase site for free quality vector images from around the net.
RasterVector Wonderful resource for all things Mac and Adobe.
Tutorial9 A group authored site run by David Leggett with tutorials on Photoshop, photography, web design, blogging and more.
TutorialBlog Whilst this blog primarily provides tutorials on Photoshop and web design, it also covers other aspects such as social media, writing and being a freelancer.
TutorialKing A collection of high quality Photoshop tutorials.
Tutzor Photoshop tutorials from Walter.
Vectips Site by Ryan Putnam (Rype) dedicated to Adobe Illustrator® tips, tricks, and tutorials.
Vector Diary Vectordiary is a blog on vector illustration. It was created by Tony Soh who is an exclusive vector art contributor to iStockphoto.
VectorTuts+ From the Envato team.
Vector Vault Huge collection of vector art and related articles. Includes free downloads, content and tips.
Wake Up Later Blog from Samuel Ryan writing about freelancing and entrepreneurship.
We are not Freelancers Not about freelancers, but about a web design firm in South Africa.Nice approach dubunking the myth that all web designers are freelance.
Web Worker Daily Practical tips and advice for anyone who uses the web for work. Excellent resource for freelance designers.
Advertising Sites
Adrants Round-up of ads and marketing news from around the world, edited by Steve Hall and Angela Natividada.
Ads of the World Community site for people in advertising. Includes a huge archive of ads from around the world, news, a forum and much more.
AdGoodness Advertising showcase created by Frederik Samuel who describes the site as “The best and sometimes the worst around the globe”.
Typography Sites
8 Faces The new design magazine published by Elliot Jay Stocks focused on typography. Only 1000 copies are produced per edition. They’re special.
Ministry of Type A blog by Eegir Hallmundur which looks at type, typography, calligraphy and a whole host of other design inspirations.
I Love Typography A site focused on the disciplines of typography, type design and lettering by the ever so clever John Boardley.
Image Sourcing Sites
Big Stock Photo Offering over 4 million royalty-free photographs and illustrations from photographers and artists around the globe.
ClownFishPhoto High quality photos offered by the guys and girls who have a beautiful site of their own.
Fotolia The first worldwide social marketplace for royalty-free stock images,allowing individuals and professionals to legally buy and share stock images and illustrations.
iStockPhoto The web’s original source for royalty-free imagery – quality images are always guaranteed.
pixmac Microstock agency, selling individual images at reasonable prices.
Shutterstock The largest subscription based stock photography agency in the world.
Vector Stock Royalty-free vector graphics.