Monitorizare flota


Frotcom este  cel mai bun instrument de monitorizare GPS si management flota. Un mic dispozitiv ce contine un receptor GPS si un modul de comunicatie GPRS este instalat in fiecare vehicul al flotei. Acest echipament permite dispecerului flotei sa controleze toate miscarile vehiculelor: unde sunt, unde au fost, cand au inceput lucrul, cat au stationat si asa mai departe.

Cu Frotcom poti monitoriza toate vehiculele 24 ore pe zi, cu pozitiile GPS si datele senzorilor receptionate la fiecare minut. Optional poti avea module de cost management, navigatie integrata pentru soferi, schimb mesaje text, control combustibil si identificare sofer.
Datele colectate de Frotcom de la vehicule sunt procesate, generand rapoarte detaliate si utile. Aceste rapoarte pot fi trimise automat pe email utilizatorilor, asigurand astfel informatiile utile persoanelor in drept la timpul potrivit. Situatiile de alarma sunt detectate imediat si raportate pe email si SMS.
Tot ce ai nevoie sa accesezi Frotcom sunt o legatura internet si un browser. La serviciu, acasa sau oriunde. Nu este nevoie de nici un soft instalat.


Frotcom este o solutie profesionala adresata companiilor care doresc sa-si controleze flotele: companii de transport rutier, servicii de curierat, companii logistice si de distributie, companii cu echipe de vanzari pe teren, companii cu utilaje de constructii, companii de inchiriere vehicule si altele.

Cum functioneaza

Ca sa monitorizeze fiecare vehicul, Frotcom utilizeaza un dispozitiv GPS/GPRS la bord (GPS tracker). Dispozitivul este conectat la bateria vehiculului (12 sau 24V). Consumul sau este foarte mic, comparabil cu al unui telefon mobil.
Utilizand un browser de internet, poti accesa toate informatiile flotei tale. Pozitia vehiculului este afisata pe harti digitale. Viteza, starea motorului si datele senzorilor pot fi vizualizate in grafice si tabele. Poti introduce, de asemenea, costurile asociate vehiculelor tale - combustibil, cauciucuri, intretinere, asigurare si amortizare, printre altele. Vei avea un control total al costurilor flotei tale.

Cand vehiculul se misca, dispozitivul GPS inregistreaza si trimite date GPS si Aprindere la Frotcom Data Center, utilizand comunicatia GPRS. Datele receptionate la Frotcom Data Center sunt imediat inregistrate si procesate. De asemenea aceste date sunt scanate pentru identificarea posibilelor situatii de alarma.

Pentru fiecare utilizator sunt definite un set de rapoarte si periodicitatea lor. La momente prestabilite utilizatorii vor primi pe email rapoartele solicitate. De asemenea sunt identificate si declansate situatiile de alarma, crescand posibilitatea unui raspuns imediat problemei aparute.

Poti, de asemenea, adauga dispozitivului GPS accesorii si servicii optionale, precum un navigator, senzori de usa sau temperatura sau o interfata CANBus care iti va permite controlul consumului de combustibil, parametri motorului si tahograful din vehicul.


Functii de baza

  • Solutie completa de monitorizare GPS in timp real
  • Comunicatie GPRS
  • Localizare GPS
  • Raport al pornirii motorului 
  • Fara soft preinstalat, solutie prin internet
  • Suport multilingvistic
  • Microsoft Bing maps sau Google Maps
  • Export in Google Earth
  • Export in Excel
  • Aprindere, viteza si stare senzori afisate in grafice si tabele
  • Rapoarte automate livrate pe email
  • Alarme automate transmise pe email

Functii optionale

  • Navigatie Integrata cu Schimb mesaje
  • Cost management
  • Interfata mobil pentru dispeceri
  • Senzor usa deschisa si senzor temperatura
  • Identificator automat de sofer RFID
  • Imobilizator vehicul furat
  • Alarme trimise prin SMS
  • Integrare cu reteaua CANBus pentru control consum de combustibil, nivel in rezervor, tahograf, turatie si temperatura motor, altele
  • Intrari digitale si analogice
  • Integrare webservice cu alte aplicatii


  • Computer sau Smartphone cu acces internet (recomandat 2Mbps sau mai mult)
  • Browser internet (recomandat Internet Explorer sau Firefox)
  • In fiecare vehicul un dispozitiv GPS Frotcom


For you

Exit Permit Doha Qatar

MOI Self-service Machines

Related services

Ready to get started? Jump to these services:
The Government of Qatar is committed its streamlining paperwork and eliminating unnecessary bureaucracy. In addition to being able to complete many services electronically through Hukoomi, citizens and residents also have the option of using the Ministry of Interior self-service machine.
The following procedures can be completed through the self-service machine:
  • Personal Information: Check the expire date of an ID Card, passport, residence permit or driving license.
  • Residence Permit: Renew the residence permits of sponsored workers or family members who are under personal sponsorship.
  • Exit Permit: Issue travel permits for sponsored workers or Qatari minors.
  • Traffic Violation: Check and pay for traffic tickets.
  • Smart Card: Activate, renew, update services or change the password on a Smart Card.
  • e-Gate Card: Activate or renew e-Gate Cards.  
  • Visa Transfer: Transfer a sponsored person or dependent's visa to another passport.
  • Travel Permit: Apply for a permit to drive a Qatari licensed vehicle outside the country. 
  • Follow Up: Request for a follow-up on previously filed applications.

Safe and Easy

The self-service machines are designed to protect private information. After inserting an ID card or Smart Card, the user is required to confirm his/her identity through one of the following:
  • Iris scan
  • Fingerprint
  • Password
The machine provides easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions on all its services. The machine accepts credit cards and debit cards.
The machine is available in the following locations:
  • Main post office
  • Landmark Mall
  • Villaggio Mall
  • Royal Plaza 
  • Doha International Airport
  • Lulu Hypermarket - airport branch
  • Ministry of Interior headquarters
  • MOI services building at Masaimeer
  • MOI Traffic Department
  • Police Training Institute
  • Education City Health Club
  • MOI administrative building

Ministerul Muncii din Doha



Phone: +974 44841111
Fax: +974 44841000
Hours of Operation
Sun - Thur 7:30 am - 2 pm
P.O. Box 36. Barzan Tower, Al Corniche, opposite Q-Post, Doha, Qatar

Ministry of Labor

The Ministry of Labor (MOL) is committed to providing high-quality services and advancing workplace practices to a standard that is in line with the visions and aspirations set by the State of Qatar.


MOL provides many services to the public, covering every labor group from residents to investors, to entrepreneurs from the private sector. MOL governs on the principles of modern management. The ministry takes into account present changes and developments in the country to maintain a fair and healthy labor market.


MOL’s responsibilities and goals include:
  • Develop and implement policies and plans for the use of labor force.
  • Build and utilize an integrated administration and information system.
  • Settle labor disputes in accordance with the Labor Law of Qatar.
  • Develop and implement job training and career building programs.
  • Develop and implement plans and programs to increase the number of Qatari nationals in the workforce.

Useful Contacts

Minister’s OfficePublic Relations and CommunicationsLegal AffairsUndersecretary OfficeEmployment AdministrationDepartment of Labor RelationsDepartment of National Labor ForceAdministration of Labor InspectionPermanent Recruitment Committee
Minister’s Office44841919,44841818, 44841616  Minister' 
Public Relations and Communications44841222 Public_Relations_& 
Legal Affairs44841888 
Undersecretary Office44841333 
Employment Administration44406566
Department of Labor Relations44406546 
Department of National Labor Force44841777  
Administration of Labor Inspection44026211 
Career Qualification Center44628126 
Permanent Recruitment Committee44406577 

Qatar Labor Law

Qatar Labor Law

qatar labor law

Law No (14) of the Year 2004 – Qatar Labor Law

10 things you should know about being employed in Qatar

10 things you should know about being employed in Qatar

10 things you should know about being employed in Qatar


Whether you are exploring career opportunities in Qatar or already working here, you must be aware of your rights and duties as an employee.

Here are some essential points compiled from the Qatar Labour Law, Ministry of Interior directives and tips from HR professionals:
1. Before signing an employment contract
Make sure you’ve understood it completely. Contracts submitted to the labour ministry are bi-lingual. Ensure you’ve checked both parts of it. According to the Qatar Labour Law, the following articles must be clearly specified on a contract:
  • Name of employer, place of work
  • Name, qualifications, nationality, profession and residence of the worker and the proof necessary for his identification
  • Date of conclusion of the contract
  • Nature and type of work and place of contracting
  • Date of commencement of work
  • Period of the contract if it is of a definite duration
  • The agreed wage and the method and date of the payment
It’s the employer’s responsibility to take care of your visa expenses.
In addition, also read through and clarify any additional clauses that the employer may have added to the contract.
Now would be a good time, before signing the employment contract, to request for a clause that would allow you to change sponsors in future. But, be aware that not all companies have this policy.
2. Overtime dues
The Qatar Labour Law specifies that if an employer requires workers to work above the regular working hours per day, then this should not exceed 10 hours unless the work is necessary to prevent gross loss or dangerous accident or for repair/alleviation of the consequences of said loss/accident.
The compensation should not be less than the basic wage plus not less than 25% thereof.
If an employee feels their rights have been violated, they may appeal to the Ministry of Labor (MOL) by calling  44406406 or can learn more about how to file a labour complaint on its website.
Some law firms that take up labour disputes in Qatar are:
Arab Law Bureau  4483 0202
Clyde & Co.  4496 7434
Eversheds  4496 7396
Law Offices of Gebran Majdalany  4442 8899
Patton Boggs LLP  4453 2500
Sultan Al Abdulla & Partners  4442 0660
3. Mandatory benefits
An employer is required to provide the following benefits to an employee: basic salary, accommodation or accommodation allowance, annual round-trip ticket to home country, transportation allowance and the following leaves:
  • Annual leave: After one continuous year in service you are entitled to an annual paid leave period of:
    • At least three weeks if his service is less than five years
    • At least four weeks, if his service is more than five years
  • Sick leave: You are also entitled to paid sick leave. This can be availed only after completing three months in service, and a medical certificate needs to be submitted. You are due full wage if the sick leave does not exceed two weeks.
  • Others: Apart from annual leave, these are other vacation days due to you:
    • 3 working days each for Eid Al Fitr and Eid Al Adha
    • 1 working day for the Independence Day.
    • 1 working day for National Sports Day.
    • 3 working days as specified by the employer.
  • Pilgrimage leave: Muslim employees are entitled to a pilgrimage leave without pay for a maximum of two weeks once during the period of employment.
4. Gender equality
Male and female employees are required to be treated fairly and equally. There must be no discrimination in terms of their responsibilities at work or the benefits they receive.
 The only exceptions to this are the following benefits that are specified by law to women:
  • Maternity leave: Female employees can avail of this after the completion of one year of service. This maternity leave is for 50 days on full pay. It should include the period before and after the delivery provided that the period following the delivery shall not be less than 35 days.
  • Nursing period: In the year following her delivery, female employees can take an additional hour-long break during the day to nurse children. This will be included in the working hours and no wages should be deducted for this.
  • Female employees should also not be terminated from employment due to marriage or pregnancy. Though Qatar Airways was found violating this, according to recent reports.
5. End of service benefits
All employees who have completed more than one year of employment at an organisation are entitled to end of service benefits. This amount is equivalent to a 3-week wage computed on the last basic salary for every year of service completed.
This sum is due to the employee within 7 days of his last working day with the organisation.
6. Health insurance
As there is no law that mandates provision of health insurance to employees, many organisations do not provide this benefit. This is also because all residents of Qatar can avail of the government-provided health insurance service at Hamad Medical Corporation and the quality of healthcare usually tends to be better than private healthcare.
This is set to change when the national health insurance plan launched this year begins coverage of expatriates.
7. End of employment
The employer has the right to revoke sponsorship of the employee on resignation or termination or end of contract. As per law, the employer must also bear the expenses of returning the employee to his country and the employee must leave the country within seven days of being issued the exit permit. If this 7-day duration is exceeded, the employer has the right to report this violation to the police or immigration authorities.
8. Business Visa
Often employers (and employees) prefer to test the waters by bringing in staff on a business visa, before opting for a permanent work visa.
Business visas are issued to select companies. This visa is issued for a month and can be extended for two more months. You will have to exit the entry after this, and re-enter on a fresh visa.
You cannot change employment during the duration of your visa, but can reenter on another company’s business visa, provided they are on the approved list.
9. Sponsorship Change
If you wish to remain in Qatar but change employers locally, then your current sponsor must issue a ‘no objection certificate’.
You also must have stayed in Qatar for two years, before requesting sponsorship change.
10. Sponsorship Change before stamping RP
You can change your sponsorship before your residence permit is stamped, provided “the sponsored person shall not exceed legal grace period of 3 months starting from the date of entry to the country.”
The new sponsor needs the approval from “concerned authority for the recruitment from same nationality and profession.”
Disclaimer: All due diligence has been carried out in compiling this article. However, if you find any discrepancies, please email us at
We address various aspects of Working in Qatar in this series, including finance, laws, HR development. Write to us if there is a particular subject you are interested in and would like to read about.
Copyright © 2013 JustHere Qatar. Reproduction of material from any JustHere Qatar pages without written permission is strictly prohibited.


  1. Shaik Mabu Subhani
    Very useful meassage
    • I have a question on Gratuity, along is my friend who worked for 5 years in al dana saloon, because of some employees jealousy, she was forced to transfer her sponsorship to another sponsor,does she is entitled a gratuity from Al Dana saloon? for her 5 years and she never went home to Philippines because the sponsor did not give her vacation for 5 it allowed? can she get her gratuity and ticket for 5 years she never went vacation. pls help us with this .
      Also my second is can we complain to authorities regarding this working visa we bought from QATAR UNITED TRAVELS ?they are selling working visa for 10,00 riyals ,15,000 riyals, and my cousin got one visa from them, and he wants to renew but QATAR UNITED TRAVEL kept promising to renew but till now still not renew ,they made so many excuses, they didn’t do, the ID is expired already, my cousin bought that visa because he so desperate to work here in Qatar but the company no visa for him, so we bought from QATAR UNITED TRAVELS since they are selling the visa. pls help.
    • jobert
      if we stayed in the company for more than 10 years can we still get the end service benefits? because in the present company where i work we are entitled for end service benefits only within 10 years of employment.thank you…
    • hi,i worked in qatar for 2yrs half and my employer cancel my visa when i get back home here in the phil.without NOC,is it true that after 2yrs before i can come back there and do you think i can go back thru business visa or tourist visa….thanks
  2. Richard
    Clarification re sponsorship change; if sponsor grants noc and and the employee has been more than 2 yrs in the company, is that really possible? Coz my understanding was you have to leave the country for 2 yrs then you can reapply. Isn’t it?
  3. sheila pascual
    hi i worked in qatar for 3 years and been terminated recently do you think i can go back to thru business visa … thanks
    • JustHere Qatar
      Hi Sheila,
      You can, provided your previous employer hasn’t placed a ban on you.
      You can contact one of the law offices we have listed for further clarifications.
      Team JH.
    • it depend if you are not blacklisted then you can come with b-visa
  4. kristin
    Hi! please i need your help.. can you help me find the provision in the Labor law which states annual round-trip ticket to home country as a mandatory benefit?
  5. Purl Joyz
    Hi. It is stated in our contract ‘no work, no pay’ which means that during holidays if we don’t work we won’t get paid. And if we go to work, we’ll get only regular pay (not overtime). Can we contest that statement even if we have already signed the contract?
  6. Karen
    This is only applicable to those working in government/ semi-government companies.
  7. Peter Pasion
    Team JH,
    What if I completed more than 2 years in Qatar and have asked my current employer for an NOC but they refused to give? Any chance for employee to change sponsorship?
  8. Madel
    In my case, I’m a husband sponsor but my company submitted my document to Ministry of Labor and they issued me a Labor Card. My question is this: “Does the company has the right not to give me an NOC if I will resigned or does it requires an NOC in order to get a new employer?” Please advise. Thanks!
  9. jorel
    Hi, if my current company cannot or wont provide any NOC, is there still a way to have a NOC?
    just for confirmation: I am working in Company through the visa or sponsorship of another company wherein I have a contract that I am being sub-contracted by them. In my contract it is stated that NOC must be given upon my request. Can my company where I am working refuse to give me NOC through my sponsor eventhough it is stated in my contract?
    Many Thanks
  11. EJIE
  12. Pet ramos
    My current company not give me salaries for 6 months,I pay my own rent for my room,transportation to site office ,foods and most of all How can I provide my families in my home country specially in school.Can you please help me in this matter.Thank you
  13. bond
    My previous company is not really good.they converted all the overtime hrs.into a rest day.Diplomatic Club how dare you!!!!!
  14. Alvin
    Hi, last time I’ll resigned 3 months before the end of my two year contract? Is there any change to have one year gratuity? As per the labor laws regulation? My previous company said I don’t finished my two year contacts that’s why I can’t get the this Legal or violation?
  15. Mhartz-28
    I just want to ask the following question:
    1. As mentioned on the Qatar Labour law, it was stated that employer is obliged to pay the employee an annual leave of at least three weeks if he/she is working for less than 5 years and at least for weeks if he/she is working for more than 5 years. My question is “How do you count the three or four weeks? Is it a calendar day or a working day?”. Please clarify.
    2. I was given NOC from my previous employer and now working for a different sponsor. If for example I recieved a new job offer after one year of working to my new sponsor, is the new sponsor has the right not to give NOC to me although he was not my original sponsor?
    I hope you could help me regarding this matter.
  16. Syed
    I worked in one company in qatar company called ANVIN QATAR W.L.L they have not pay my 5 months salary and they have not even given my visa which i transfer from another company now i am in dubai i got a job but can any one tell me how should i recollect the money back
  17. cookie
    “As per law, the employer must also bear the expenses of returning the employee to his country and the employee must leave the country within seven days of being issued the exit permit.”
    Hi, on the above statement. Where can I find this in the labour law? under what section? I am resigning from my employer this december and would like to know if I should pay for my ticket going home or them. Since they said they will also not pay ticket for annual leave unless you are already two years in the company.
  18. Rodelio Abrero
    Is it legal to impose a plane ticket budget for expats. Shall i say your the excess amount will be paid by the employee deducting the ticket budget.
    ticket budget : 2500
    ticket amount : 3000
    amount to be paid by employee is 300.
  19. nora
    hi!. just want to know if you are residence or family visa or houseban visa and you want to change your visa for company visa it is posible? and do i have to exit for how many days or month? or what i need to complete my papers to transfer company? thank you and hoping for kindly answer>
  20. marvin
    I was transferred here in my new company coz i have noc and having near my 4th year question is can i demand an noc from my previous employer to shift anothet company.pls help.
  21. raisy
    If the employer will not to give NOC,who will force them to release NOC? because employee don’t have enough power to force the employer to release NOC.
    Is the government the one to force the employer to release NOC or the government will not stand in between employee and employer?So if the government can not do,the NOC law is useless because several of the companies in Qatar did not follow the Law.
  22. ochoink
    Regarding the re-sponsorship. My employer does not issue “NOC” as for my knowledge. We needed to be out of Qatar for 2 years b4 we can come back and be employed for another employer. Does our/my employer do abide the law? Is there any step we can do to make them do good?
  23. Anwar change,I’ve been working now in my company over 2 years and I want to change sponsor.what if my company will not allow to issue me an NOC. Is it a mandatory?
  24. Arthur C
    Good day! I am locally hired and been in my company for more than 4 years . And now i have decided to resign and go back to philippines .what if i would still want to come back but my company is not giving NOC? Do i need to wait for 2 yrs again to enter doha?
  25. JustHere Qatar
    Thank you all for your queries and comments. We will be compiling these and speaking to a few lawyers, and try and seek answers.
    Team JH
    • Philip
      Thank you!
      This site helps a lot :D
  26. Jude Polido
    Hi ! I worked in Qatar for more than 4 yrs. My Visa expired on the 15th of May, but I send a resignation letter to the company 1st week of March to follow the procedure that the company should be informed 1 month before leaving the company and went home. I didn’t received any compensation/benefits from the company equivalent to the said benefits as mentioned in Qatar Labor Law. I even bought my own ticket to went home since my company was keep on promising me and nothing happened. In short, I didn’t received any single riyal benefits from my company and I was the one bought my ticket home.
    Thanks a lot.
    I need your advice…
  27. Incredible points. Great arguments. Keep up the amazing work.
  28. Respected Madam,
    I recently joined Doha Bank Qatar in August 2013. Before signing contract bank not guide me about the visa policies of family residence visa. After signing contract and joined the bank i come to know that i am not eligible to get family residence visa because my salary is less then 10000 Riyals. I am appointed at around 8500 salary. I resigned from my job and exit from the country. Bank miss-commit on my appointment. I request them to accommodate me. But there is no cooperation. IF i want to launch a complain against them. What will be the procedure.
  29. Khalid
    Is it also applicable in government agencies?
  30. Francis
    Hi. I just want to ask if there is still a possibility to claim my unpaid salary, leave salary, and ESB if my sponsor had asked me not to go back to Qatar and extend my vacation indefinitely? I’ve transferred to another country already and still thinking on how to claim what is due for me.
  31. tariq ibrahim
    This is Tariq Ibrahi. you give me very short answer of my query. I can’t understand. please give detail. thanks.
  32. jeffrey
    is the NOC issuance is sponsor / employer right only? how am i entitled to get NOC? most of the company is not giving NOC if they have incoming projects or if they have place / slot on another project for them to transfer an employee. i am working on my company for almost three years.
  33. ecarg
    my question is, what do you mean local hire? because in my situation is i was hired here in qatar i came here thru business visa, now that i submitted my resignation they refuse to give me NOC as per my understanding I am locally hired because i was hired here in qatar. am i right or wrong? can i oblige them to give me NOC?
  34. Philip
    Hello Sir!
    I decided to leave out company accommodation and I am staying now with my sister. I’ve tried to demand to have it, but they’ve said… Accommodation & Transpo allowance is only for married employee.
    Is this true?
    Can I pursue to demand accommodation & Transpo Allowance?
    Thank you! and More Power!
  35. sujith
    My work permit was expired on 28th September 2013.My company didn’t renew it.So how many days can stay in Qatar without work permit.How can I avoid the police arrest.
    • sujith
      Where i can see the answer of my question?
  36. Nada
    My husband has been working in Qatar for 11 years and for the same company. Because they are closing down and because of verbal and physical abuse on their part, He submitted his resignation. We need your input on these issues:
    1- Is his gratuity calculated from 2005 only (because that’s when the law was reinstated), or since his employment in 2003?
    2- Can they refuse to give him an NOC?
    3- If they refuse to give him an NOC, what can he do to object and get an NOC?
    Thank you for all that you are doing to help all the workers in Qatar.
    Can Someone Tell me that this computation is CORRECT or WRONG, and in what grounds if WRONG? Please provide me a proof. Thanks
    Name : Anonymous
    Profession : DCC Clerk
    Salary Rate : 1,500 QAR
    Date of Commencement : 10.12.2007
    Date of Termination : 14.11.2013
    Working Days : 2167
    Salaries & Wages : 600 QAR
    Salaries & Wages : 100 QAR
    Feast Holiday : 0 QAR
    Weekday Overtime : 0 QAR
    Friday Overtime : 0 QAR
    Feast Holiday Overtime : 0 QAR
    Leaving Indemnity : 6,324 QAR
    Advance Notice : 0 QAR
    Leave With Pay : 1,650 QAR
    Food Allowance : 0 QAR
    Bonuses : 0 QAR
    Amount Due : 8,584 QAR
    Advance Deduction : 0 QAR
    Ticket Deduction : 0 QAR
    Net Amount Due : 8,584 QAR
  38. respected sir,
    recently i got job in qatar army. my medical and finger is finish. 8months finish till my file is not came. do u tell me how long it will take. for joining
  39. Danny
    Is it legal that the previous month unpaid overtime can be converted by the company into an offset of holidays even it is not on the contract and without any consultation or agreement with the employees? Please advise.
  40. Yanni
    I just want to ask. If you filed a case against someone here in qatar and you wanted to have your vacation in your county. Would it affect your vacation?
  41. hey plz abdulrasool can u tell me how can i join an army forces my email is
  42. Wendy
    Hi Sirs/Madam,
    Could anyone help me if how you would know if your visa is non-transferable or transferable?
    In case of non-transferable visa, is there a chance that you could apply another company in Doha even if you have NOC?
    Appreciate your kind and positive response.
  43. yalla
    I think the article left out one very important factor. Under the rules of KAFALA, every foreign employee must get permission from their Qatari sponsor before being allowed to leave Qatar, for any reason.
    This rule can easily be used by a corrupt employer to blackmail you…Can you accept the risk of being trapped indefinitely in Qatar as in the case of French footballer Zahir Belounis (to name only one)?
    I urge every expat to consider this before taking up employment in Qatar.
    Can Someone Tell me that this computation is CORRECT or WRONG, and in what grounds if WRONG? Please provide me a proof. Thanks
    Name : Anonymous
    Profession : DCC Clerk
    Salary Rate : 1,500 QAR
    Date of Commencement : 10.12.2007
    Date of Termination : 14.11.2013
    Working Days : 2167
    Salaries & Wages : 600 QAR
    Salaries & Wages : 100 QAR
    Feast Holiday : 0 QAR
    Weekday Overtime : 0 QAR
    Friday Overtime : 0 QAR
    Feast Holiday Overtime : 0 QAR
    Leaving Indemnity : 6,324 QAR
    Advance Notice : 0 QAR
    Leave With Pay : 1,650 QAR
    Food Allowance : 0 QAR
    Bonuses : 0 QAR
    Amount Due : 8,584 QAR
    Advance Deduction : 0 QAR
    Ticket Deduction : 0 QAR
    Net Amount Due : 8,584 QAR
    I Need someones feedback / comments:
  45. I am her on Husband Sponsorship sisnce three years, I am working with a company and I have work permit from labor department without changing the Sponsorship.
    Now I want to change the comapny and sponsorship also.
    Could you please assist me in this matter.
  46. Bidur
    I am working in a company. I am getting 3 months basic salary in completing of every 2 years i.e. 2 yrs contract as a settlement. Again I am getting some amount yearly as a bonus.But as the name of gratuity, I don’t get from the company. My question is: If I ask for the gratuity, the company is compelled to pay or not?
  47. hi
    i just want to ask if i really need to pay to my company because i resigned this december 2013. im just 11 months in my company.and they want me to pay for the one month left before i get one year in my job wich i didnt finish.
  48. sheem
    i came to qatar just 2 months ago with a sponsor that sponsor gave me a no objection letter then i have just joined a another company.still i have not taken the finger print or medical but company changed my visa as under company for 3 can i go to another company?please advice me.
  49. anonymous
    I was locally appointed in one of the largest private company in Qatar in 2011 as Mechanical Engineer. Recently I have been transferred to different location and asked to work in Sales Department, which is not at all my field of interest nor experience. What to do when Management is forcing me gently to accept this responsibility? There is no paper work given by the company to change my job profile or location.
  50. dhaval
    how many time bussiness visa can be extended???
    means my company hire me on bussiness visa…first it was for 1 month then they extended for two month and now once again they extended it for 1 month…i m still in qatar only…so now i want to know how many numbers of time the bussiness visa can be extended???
  51. Mariam
    Hello. I was wondering if there are anti-discrimination laws against landlords refusing housing to certain nationalities. Thanks.
  53. nicholas
    I have come on a Work Visa with one company but due to the untimely salary and other conditions, like to switch over to another company. Residence Permit not processed so far( Medical and Finger not over) Its 40 days since i have landed in Doha. What are the formalities that will be involved if i have to change to new company?

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About Qatar...Lobour problems

International Trade Union Confederation Building Workers’ Power

Qatar authorities have acknowledged problems with labour rights for the 1.2 million migrant workers there after the International Trade Union Confederation warned up to 4000 workers could die before a ball is kicked at the 2022 World Cup.
Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, said the promise by the Qatar authorities simply to increase the number of labour inspectors is weak and disappointing.
“There are already labour inspectors and they have no impact. What is needed are laws that protect workers’ rights to join a union, bargain collectively and refuse unsafe work, and only then can inspectors do their job.
The laws in Qatar give employers total control over workers so no worker will feel able to speak freely to a labour inspector,” said Sharan Burrow.
In March 2013, the ITUC lodged a complaint with the Ministry of Labour against six Qatari companies after workers contacted the ITUC to document their cases. The Labour Relations Department of the Ministry of Labour in Qatar received 6000 worker complaints in 2012, while the Indian Embassy in Qatar received 1500 complaints in the first five months of this year.
Strict visa sponsorship rules known as the kafala system mean that workers cannot change jobs without their employer’s permission and cannot leave the country unless their employer signs an exit permit. 90% of workers surveyed have their passports held by their employers according to June 2013 research on migrant workers in Qatar in the Journal of Arabian Studies.
New video testimony from marble cutters who provide polished marble for hotels and residences needed for the 2022 World Cup describes long hours and hazardous working conditions. The workers agreed to speak under the condition of anonymity fearing the response of their employer.
“Many workers suffer exploitation for fear of retaliation if they speak out. We have taken the step of lodging a case with the International Labour Organisation describing how Qatar’s work visa system allows employers to use forced labour,” said Sharan Burrow.
The ITUC points to six practices that violate workers’ rights including:
- false promises on the nature and type of work by recruiters and sponsors
- employer obligations on wages and working conditions not met
- contracts entered into prior to departure not respected in Qatar
- workers indebted to recruiters or moneylenders who extract high fees
- passports withheld by employers
- workers forced to live in squalid overcrowded labour camps and denied the right to form unions.
The ILO has established a tripartite committee to review the evidence and make recommendations to the Government of Qatar on how to comply with its international commitments. Last week, a senior ILO official warned that "Many of the abuses that take place which can lead to forced labour are still happening" in Qatar.
In a letter to the ITUC, FIFA President Sepp Blatter has now pledged to put the issue of labour rights on the FIFA Executive Committee agenda when it meets in Zurich on 3-4 October 2013.
“The spotlight is now fully on Qatar’s abhorrent labour practices. It has taken two years to get this far, and pressure will need to be sustained if lives are to be saved and dignity restored. The billions of dollars at stake will see increasing pressure inside and outside of Qatar to stay silent,” said Sharan Burrow.
For more information contact Gemma Swart +32 479 06 41 63
Video: Watch the testimony of marble cutters describing their working conditions in Doha (also available Spanish, French, German)
Letter: Read the letter from the ITUC to the Ministry of Labour outlining labour rights violations of six companies. (English)
Report: Journal of Arabian Studies – June 2013 A Portrait of Low Income Migrants in Contemporary Qatar. (English)
Qatar received 6000 labour complaints
Indian Consulate in Qatar receives 1500 complaints
ILO Official comment on forced labour