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Nicu Traistaru, Alexandria:
"Why is it profitable Brahma hen? Because it has a meat tenderness and taste such a rare encounter other fowls, themselves and race. Moreover, the well stuffed, Brahma hen eggs yes even in winter. On average, a Brahma do about 140-150 eggs per year, more spring and fall. "
Adrian Gherghel, Baia Mare:
"The profitability of such business consists of the value that has a bird Brahma, known as" giant chickens. " A bird can cost between 70 and 150 euros, and an egg is priced between 6 and 12 lei. Brahma breed is noted for its beauty, but also for meat: a hen gives up to 4 kg of meat, coconut and even a 7 kg. "
My own business plan Just the thought scares you to put on paper something about your business? You're not good at accounting and legislative thickets scares you? Forget those fears! Do not run from consultants or lawyers! Get involved specifically in your business success! Because anyone outside yourself, -I can not defend the best interests! Now it's easy!
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Culture plant with five flavors
You need to know however that in the East this plant similar to
grape-vine with small fruit and tomatoes that grow in bunches, is as
famous as ginseng, thanks to its effects uncommon in combating a very
wide range of disorders - from asthma and tuberculosis to diabetes,
hepatitis, cancer.
Advantages of Schisandra:
1. Detoxify the liver
2. It restores the body after chemotherapy
3. normalizes blood sugar and blood
4. Relieves Menopause Symptoms
5. Remove the sight and hearing problems
6. It has a strong aphrodisiac effect
7. insomnia
Price: 95.55 lei (VAT included) |
Nicu Traistaru, Alexandria:
“De ce este profitabila gaina Brahma? Pentru ca are o carne de
o fragezime si un gust cum rar intalnesti la alte oratanii, chiar ele
si de rasa. Mai mult, fiind bine impanata, gaina Brahma da oua chiar si
iarna. In medie, o Brahma face cam 140-150 de oua pe an, mai multe
primavara si toamna.”
Adrian Gherghel, Baia Mare:
“Profitabilitatea unei astfel de afaceri consta in valoarea pe
care o are o pasare Brahma, denumita si «Uriasul gainilor». O pasare
poate costa intre 70 si 150 de euro, iar un ou are un pret cuprins intre
6 si 12 lei. Rasa Brahma este apreciata pentru frumusete, dar si pentru
carne: o gaina da pana la 4 kg de carne, iar un cocos chiar si 7 kg.”
Propriul meu plan de afaceri Te sperie doar gandul de a pune pe hartie cate ceva despre afacerea ta? Nu te pricepi la contabilitate, iar hatisurile legislative te inspaimanta? Uita toate aceste temeri! Nu alerga la consultanti sau avocati! Implica-te concret in succesul afacerii tale! Fiindca nimeni, in afara ta, nu -ti poate apara mai bine interesele! Acum e simplu!
Rentrop&Straton iti aduce acum prin lucrarea Propriul
meu plan de afacere, nu doar un plan de afacere oarecare! Planul tau
propriu – cheia succesului afacerii tale, indiferent care ar fi aceea!
Lucrarea include nu doar un posibil plan de afacere, ci o intreaga
strategie de elaborare a planurilor specifice mai multor domenii de
Cultura plantei cu 5 arome
Trebuie sa stii insa ca in Orient aceasta planta
asemanatoare cu vita-de-vie, cu fructe mici si rosii care cresc in
ciorchine, este la fel de celebra ca ginsengul, gratie efectelor ei
iesite din comun in combaterea unei game foarte largi de afectiuni – de
la astm si tuberculoza pana la diabet, hepatita, cancer.
Avantaje ale Schisandrei:
1. Detoxifica ficatul
2. Reface organismul dupa chimioterapie
3. Normalizeaza glicemia si tensiunea
4. Amelioreaza simptomele menopauzei
5. Elimina problemele de vedere si de auz
6. Are un puternic efect afrodisiac
7. Combate insomnia
Pret: 95.55 lei cu (TVA inclusa) |