Unique Bathroom Designs
When it comes to designing your home, there are no certain rules or
limits except for keeping on the decorative touch and beautiful designs.
Each part of the house should be carefully furnished and designed to
give you the best ambiance that keeps you relaxed every single minute
when you are at home. The bathroom is definitely one of the most
important places where much care should be taken; it is the place where
you seek comfort and relaxation the most. Spending hours in your bathtub
is one of the best things that you can do to relief the whole day’s
stress for example. Since relaxation is demanded in your bathroom, then
you must design it carefully according to your own taste that gives you
what you need out of your bathroom. If you are a nonconventional person,
and you don’t settle for ordinary bathrooms, then this collection of
unique bathrooms is sure to delight you. When you check the bathroom
designs offered in these pictures, you will find out that unique is the
exact word to describe them, many styles are introduced in this
collection by a great group of manufacturers.
If you want to get the wild feeling of the jungle, then go for wooden
bathrooms that give you that natural feeling of trees, like this
bathroom with wooden tiles covering the walls and a great modern design
having a sink cabinet that is made of sharp lines and is great for
storage along with a white sink that also comes in a rectangular form
with sharp edges to keep on the modernity and simplicity along with a
rectangular mirror and some shelves mounted on the wall. Now to get that
wild jungle ambiance, hanging plants where held against the wall in one
side of the bathroom and other various plants were also added in this
corner to give that green touch which resembles the jungle, a shag rug
was also added to complete the look. For a rustic styled bathroom, check
this bathroom having its tub in a circular form resembling a well and
having a wooden cover and some wooden buckets that look exactly like
those of the farm, some roses were sprinkled in the water of the tub for
a romantic touch and candles were put for lighting to keep on the
simple rustic ambiance. In case you want to go more modern, you can
choose this white modern bathroom that utilizes less wood just for the
parquet flooring, shelves, and the toilet cover, it is lacquered and the
walls are made of pure white and beige colors using both ceramic tiles
and wall painting or you can check this fully tiled bathroom that comes
in an amazing blue color making it so unique where very simple bathroom
sets are used in it in white color to add some shine.
If you are looking for something more unique or fancy, a bathroom is
also introduced using tiles, a large bathtub, a wide rectangular mirror
with a great wooden frame, a sink cabinet, and the most unique touch in
this bathroom comes in the glass window put beside the tub to give you a
complete view of the surrounding, or maybe you can opt for a marble
bathroom and go more for luxury. Adding a stone wall behind the bathtub
for example is certain to give a unique look for the bathroom especially
when making irregular stones for an eye catchy style. For those lucky
ones who can have a bathroom that overlooks the ocean, comfort is
calling their names. Go for a really fancy and luxurious bathroom like
this one that has unique colored walls, a bathtub installed near the
edge of the balcony to enjoy the view and the fresh air, shelves and a
towel stand are also added along with a simple rug and some plants to
complete the fancy look. Colors also play a great role in making any
bathroom unique even if the bathroom furniture used is so simple like
making a bathroom with green walls to give a bright look. Just feel free
to mix any two ideas together if you feel like it as long as you don’t
ruin the whole design of your bathroom.
Cheap Bathroom Makeovers
If you got bored of your bathroom, and really want to make some
changes in it but you have a low budget, then check these cheap bathroom
makeover ideas that help you make simple changes that are really
noticeable. Painting the walls a new color is really one of the smart
ideas that are not expensive but will make a massive change in the whole
ambiance of the bathroom.
Changing the lights also makes a huge change,
like replacing your old lighting fixtures with new ones, and you can
also add some new light spots, for example, for a new style. Getting
some new bathroom accessories is great, and reflects the feeling of
having brand-new stuff. In addition, you can add some baskets or shelves
to get more storage places and make a difference in the way your
bathroom looks. Each one of these ideas is really simple and cheap, but
when done, they really make a noticeable change in the look of the
One of the most things that really annoy any woman is having a small
kitchen, this problem is really unpleasing and can make women worry a
lot about how to design and furnish their kitchens in a way that makes
them combine various furniture, appliances, and utensils all while
having a decorative look that pleases her and makes her happy while
spending time in the kitchen. Since many apartments nowadays include
small kitchens, many kitchen manufacturers have presented many designs
for small kitchens to help every woman in finding the best kitchen for
her that suits the space of her kitchens and goes with her style and
This collection of small kitchens is very inspiring, and includes a lot of practical design ideas that are very decorative at the same time. Having a small kitchen area means that you must install a smart design that utilizes the space effectively. You can install wall and base kitchen cabinets that have between them the sink, the cooker, the kitchen hood, and the refrigerator so that you would save space, also cabinets can include many drawers to give you more storage space.
This collection of small kitchens is very inspiring, and includes a lot of practical design ideas that are very decorative at the same time. Having a small kitchen area means that you must install a smart design that utilizes the space effectively. You can install wall and base kitchen cabinets that have between them the sink, the cooker, the kitchen hood, and the refrigerator so that you would save space, also cabinets can include many drawers to give you more storage space.
A really smart idea also is developed by using the horizontal surface
of the base cabinets to be the kitchen’s countertop. This is a really
wide space that you can do various stuff on it, and it can be covered
with marble or stainless steel to handle usage. Kitchen cabinets are
mostly made of wood for the chic look they give and because they are
very suitable to handle tough usage and to keep their quality for a long
time. You can add a small dining set beside the cabinets so that you
can have a nice dinner with your friend or family or if you don’t have a
suitable place to add a dining set in the house. You can replace a
cabinet or two in your cabinet set and add stoves to save more space and
make them in the level of your hands; this design really gives a
professional style to the kitchen. You can also add some high chairs
against the base cabinets so that you can have a nice drink or maybe a
quick meal. Backsplashes also have a great impact on the way the kitchen
looks, you can paint the backsplash in an attractive color to make the
kitchen pop, or maybe you can use backsplash tiles that come nowadays in
various styles and colors to suit all tastes.
These kitchens come in different styles starting from the minimalist
style up to the complex detailed ones; it’s all up to you. You can also
have your cabinets in various colors and match them with the color of
the walls to add a nice decorative touch; all of these are ideas that
really add to the look of your kitchens without needing a big space.
Wall hooks are always a great idea when you need space for more storage
but are out of space, you can hang various kitchen utensils using these
wall hooks and this can be done on any wall of the kitchen. Some kitchen
cabinets can have glass doors so that you would see what you put inside
them to easily get what you want, and they also give a nice decorative
look to the kitchen. Use various accessories for more decoration, like
adding plants, or ceramic crockery, and many other ideas. Also you can
go for parquet or ceramic flooring according to our preference and afford ability.
Freza zapada in lume
Schneefraesen | ||
Schneefraesen kennt wohl heutzutage jeder. Erste Versuche mit Schneefraesen gab es in der Schweiz
zu Beginn der 1920-er Jahre. Damals wurden noch hauptsaechlich Ketten- und Halbkettenfahrzeuge eingesetzt, anfangs auch umgebaute LKW-Chassis. Basisfahrgestelle waren z.B. der Renault M17FT Kettentank (eigentlich ein Panzer aus dem ersten Weltkrieg), ein Hanomag Kettentraktor oder der Citroen-Kegress mit Raupenantrieb hinten und Kufen vorn (ein 4-plaetziges Automobil mit normaler Karosserie). 1923 wurden in der Schweiz erste Versuche mit Schneeschleudern vom Typ Saurer durchgefuehrt. (Quelle Zeitschrift Federblatt Nr. 28/April 2002) Schneefraesen kann man in die 2 Gruppen Schneefraese und Schneefraesschleuder einteilen. Die Schneefraesschleuder hat hinter dem Fraesaggregat noch ein Schleuderrad, womit Wurfweiten von 40 m und mehr erreicht werden. Weiterhin kann man sie dann in folgende Gruppen einteilen:
Waehrend in den Anfangsjahren noch Raupenantriebe vorherrschten, sind diese heute eher selten. Moderne Schneefraesen sidn Luftbereift, wobei im Einsatz dann Schneeketten aufgezogen werden. Wie allgemein im Automobilbau hat sich auch die Produktion der Schneefraesen auf einige wenige Hersteller konzentriert. Ich versuche im folgenden mal einen Ueberblick zu geben, was es so alles fuer Fraesen gegeben hat bzw. heute noch gibt, geordnet nach Herstellern. |
Die Fa. Rolba/Schweiz produzierte bis 1991 Schneefraesen aller
oben angefuehrten Gruppen, nach der Uebernahme durch die Fa. BucherGuyer werden dort bis zum heutigen Tage weiterhin die selbstfahrenden Schneefraesschleudern produziert |
Die Fa. Konrad Peter/Schweiz baute u.a. so legendaere Schneefraesen
wie die DER 225 und DEP 180, spaeter dann die Intrac 2011 und 2011K! 1990 wurde Peter von der Fa. Rolba uebernommen, heute werden keine Schneefraesen unter dem Namen Peter mehr produziert |
Das Kapitel Schneefrasen bei der Fa. Saurer/Schweiz war wohl nur
sehr kurz. In den 20-er und 30-er Jahren wurden u.a. die Hanomag-Schneeschleuder gebaut. |
Die Fa. BucherGuyer/Schweiz hat zwischen 1991 und 2010
Schneefraesschleudern vom Typ Rolba gebaut |
Die Fa. Overaasen/Norwegen baut mit der TV 1260 S eine der
groessten weltweit heute produzierten Schneefraesen (1.100 kW!), aber auch Monobloecke |
Die Fa. Patria-Vammas/Finnland ist eigentlich ein Ruestungskonzern,
aber es werden auch Vorbaufraesen fuer Radlader produziert |
In der DDR wurden hauptsaechlich russische Vorbaufraesen eingesetzt. | ||
Die Fa. Schmidt/Deutschland baut u.a. Schneefraesen vom Typ SUPRA | ||
Die Fa. Boschung/Schweiz baut unter anderem die Typen B4 und
Snowbooster |
Die Fa. Beilhack/Deutschland hat in der Vergangenheit auch
selbstfahrende Schneefraesen gebaut. |
Die Fa. VEB Spezialfahrzeugwerk Berlin/DDR hat in den 1950-er
Jahren unter anderem auch selbstfahrende Schneefraesen gebaut. |
Rotationsschneeschleuder System Wallack/Oesterreich
Gebaut wurden zwischen 1953 und 1963 nur 8 (10?) Stueck heute nur noch am Grossglockner im Einsatz |
Hersteller hauptsaechlich von Flughafenschneefraesen in den 1960-ern bis Anfang 1990-er |
SLM Schweizerische Lokomotiv- und Maschinenfabrik/CH
Hersteller von Lokomotiven, aber auch der Dampfschneeschleuder Xrot d |
Kodiak Northwest/USA
ist ein Nachfolgeunternehmen von Idaho Norland, welches auch heute noch Schneefraesen produziert |
Zaugg AG/CH
zum 01.05.2010 hhat die Fa. Zaugg AG den Bereich Schneefraesen (Rolba) und Kehrblasgeraete von der Fa. Bucher uebernommen |
De Giorgi |
De Giorgi/F
baute in den 1930-ern Schneefaresen, ist dann in SICOMETAL aufgegangen |
unbekannte Typen
Hier zeige ich Schneefraesen, welche ich aktuell keinem Hersteller zuweisen kann |
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